Friday 26 August 2016

Add. #2

Another trip to Exmouth, six more to listen to: 

CD#471 Clare Teal - The Road Less Travelled

Not what I thought it was going to be at all. As it came from the Folk section I was expecting something at least folk-ish, but it turned out to be "easy-listening jazz". She has a fine voice and a bass player who's not afraid to play lots of notes, but it struggled to fill me with joy.

CD#472 Tom Waits - Alice

Tom Waits doing what Tom Waits does, I liked it but I'm not sure I will be buying everything else he's ever done.

CD#473 Tindersticks - Waiting For The Moon

This was dreary and dull. 

CD#474 Aimee Mann - Lost In Space

I like this a lot, I'd forgotten about Aimee for a while until I re-listened to an MP3 album of hers and bought this as a consequence.

CD#475 Iron & Wine - The Creek Drank The Cradle

I couldn't remember what I made of the previous Iron & Wine album (Day 81) I bought when I picked this up but it's not bad if nothing special.

CD#476 Teddy Thompson - A Piece Of What You Need

I bought this because it has my favourite of the few Teddy Thompson songs I've heard on it - Don't Know What I Was Thinking - there are some other good tunes on here too.