Wednesday 16 March 2016

Day 3

CD#10 Robyn Hitchcock - Olé! Tarantula

Whilst I've been aware of Robyn for a long time, I don't really know much about him or his work.
I bought this on one of many trips to an indoor market stall in Exmouth, probably as part of a 3 for £20 deal (3 for £10 for s/h CDs, but this one was new). It's blessed with a number of musicians I like, including Peter Buck as part of "the Venus 3", with Ian McLagan and Kimberley Rew (Katrina and the Waves) guesting on a few of the tracks. For some reason it's catalogued as "weird but wonderful" in my head, but musically it's less weird than I'd remembered (some of the lyrics are amusingly odd, perhaps that's what I'm remembering).

CD#11 The Flaming Lips - Transmissions From The Satellite Heart

There are times where I like the idea of The Flaming Lips more than I like The Flaming Lips, the music and vocals are both happy to play with atonality, which I don't mind, but when there's a lot of it I do find it a bit much. This has their version of Plastic Jesus on it, so all is forgiven.

CD#12 Bob Dylan - Blood on the Tracks

There's an awful lot of Bob that I like, but for me this isn't his finest hour. There are some good songs but on some his vocal is full of quiet/loud moments and weird phrasing that takes a little away from what could have been. You couldn't say he didn't put any effort in but I'd like it more if it could have been pulled back a touch.

CD#13 Jane Taylor - Montpelier

An album of variety, Jane has a strong and sometimes idiosyncratic voice and a nice collection of songs.
Some songs she backs herself on guitar or piano, others have the addition of variety of different musicians including one with just her vocal and double bass. I've not heard this for years but it deserves better than that. 

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